There’s no escaping the fact that weddings aren’t cheap. Whilst there are ways of tying the knot inexpensively (we’ve mentioned midweek registry office deals before), if you want to host a celebration for a large number of friends and family with great food, plenty of drinks and amazing music , there will always be a price to pay. In the panic to save money many couples decide to go it alone by embarking on their own planning journey. After all, it’s just a party, how hard can this be?
Photo courtesy of Eclection Photography
Why work with a wedding planner?
Culturally in the UK wedding planners have been seen as the preserve of the rich and the famous. An extravagance that ‘ordinary folk’ can do without. Whilst over in the States, couples wouldn’t dream of getting married without professional help, even when budgets are tight. Maybe this comes from some antiquated notion in the UK that one half of the couple would work whilst the other looked after the home and such frivolities as entertaining? What is clear is that in the 21st century we’re more often dealing with couples who both work - and usually long and stressful hours at that.
Whilst many package style venues may have an in house events team, you’re most likely to find that dry hire venues will expect you to go it alone. And that’s where the stress kicks in - how can we possibly pull together the party we’re dreaming of whilst keeping a lid on the spiralling costs?
Take a deep breath, we got you
In the first instance, an exploratory call with a wedding planner won’t cost you anything. It’s incredible how many couples decide that speaking to a planner might be a good idea once they’ve already committed to suppliers and budget spends, often in a last ditch attempt to pull together their ideas or as a way of trying to reign in the costs. Think of that initial call as a diagnosis, a way of getting to the essence of the celebration and rooting out those immediate issues that may be causing the budget headaches. Your initial consulatation is an opportunity to talk through your ideas for the day in a clear and logical manner with an experienced third party, enabling you to step back and evaluate your plans. An experienced planner will immediately see the pitfalls, the mistakes and the missing elements. They’ll also have a built in knowledge of the basic costs of your requirements, something that Google will never be able to tell you.
Photo courtesy of Eclection Photography
How to choose a wedding planner
In the world of events, and especially such emotionally charged events as weddings, there is simply no substitution for experience. There’s unfortunately nothing to stop anyone at all waking up one morning and deciding to be a wedding planner. There are no qualifications to achieve and no promotional ladder to climb, the decision is often made on a “I fancy a change of career” whim.
Research your potential planner thoroughly. Ask for venue references, photos from previous weddings (lots of them!), testimonials from previous couples and online reviews. Check their social media accounts for working examples of real weddings. Don’t be fooled by styled shoots. Make sure that the only wedding they’ve ever planned wasn’t their own wedding (!)
Think about that initial call - is your planner getting your ideas? Are your priorities in-line? Has your planner got a clear grip and understanding of the budget as well as the vibe you wish to create? Clue: if your initial phone call was all about flowers, you were probably speaking to a florist.
Photo courtesy of Photography by Krishanthi
Wedding planners and wedding budgets
Once you’ve found the right planner, how can you expect them to save money on the overall budget? This may, in the first instance, sound rather counterintuitive. However, by bringing in that wealth of knowledge, an experienced planner will guide you to the right suppliers, avoid the pitfalls, analyse the costs and keep on top of your budget sheet at every step. Planners have tricks up their sleeves for reducing deliveries, being clever with staff rotas, ideas on evening food - streamlining and minimising costs at every step. A decent planner will also have a great ‘little black book’, knowing all the secret spots for those all important personal details. The best planners will be on top of all your key suppliers from the outset - spotting loopholes for savings and ensuring the best logistical outcomes.
How much does a wedding planner cost?
Wedding planners charge for their services in lots of different ways. Some ask for a flat fee, some ask for a percentage of budget. There are planners that offer different packages depending on how much help you think you need.
At The Wedding Arrangers we work differently. Our ultimate aim is to provide our services on a cost neutral basis - you can find out more about how we do this here.
Ready to chat? Get in touch with The Wedding Arrangers today
Whichever route you decide to pursue, it’s important to remember that this is about fun. We’re planning a celebration. The biggest party of your life. Keep this in mind and enjoy the ride.
Photo courtesy of Lisa-Jane Photography
Food, music, booze
Lockdown continues to limit options for getting out and enjoying London, but that’s not stopping us from indulging our passions. This weekend is Chinese New Year (yes, we know, and Valentine’s Day!) and head planner Chris is looking forward to celebrating with Bao’s year of the Ox meal kit. Unfortunately it’s sold out, but there are more ideas here.
Luke Una’s incredible Worldwide FM radio show has kept our spirits up - the February edition in particular was an absolute stormer.
Meanwhile, one of our favourite wine suppliers continue to keep us all lubricated with their amazing Mates Crates deals.